/*! * jquery anchor hover effect plugin ( make your anchor tag fancy and animated) * original author: satinder singh * blog: http://codepedia.info * demo: * further changes, comments: * licensed under the mit license */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { $.fn.anchorhovereffect = function (options) { // establish our default settings var settings = $.extend({ type: 'roller3d', forecolor: null }, options); return this.each(function () { var self = $(this); var txt = self.text(); if (settings.type == 'roller3d') { self.html('' + txt + '').attr("class", "roller3d"); } else if (settings.type == "underline") { self.wrap(""); } else if (settings.type == "brackets") { self.wrap("") } else if (settings.type == 'flip') { self.html('' + txt + '').wrap(""); } else if (settings.type == 'roller3d2') { self.html('' + txt + '').attr("class", "roller3d2"); } else if (settings.type == 'glow') { self.html('' + txt + '').wrap(""); } else if (settings.type == "borderbottom") { self.wrap(""); } if ($.isfunction(settings.complete)) { settings.complete.call(this); } }); } })(jquery, window, document);